Gaming Buddy with Korean Gamers
(League of Legends)
Course price: HKD310/hr
Are you trying to improve your gaming skills but struggling to find the most effective way to learn practically? Play your favourite games with the mentors of your own choice!
A range of talents from Yesports and even professional gamers will soon be ready to be your gaming buddies!!! Grasp the chance to play games, chat, and even sing with our gaming buddies!
*Remark: Special fee may be charged for requesting to play a specific game which is not listed above.
送貨服務 (需收取送貨附加費,並於貨到簽收時繳付,請細閱下方的「送貨條款」)
- 需於購買後 60 天內領取,如逾期後我們又無法與閣下聯絡跟進,將被視為放棄領取
- 兌換時必需出示 Yes Master! 單據列印本
- 此優惠不可作退款或兌換現金之用
- 以上資料及圖片只供參考
- 數量有限,售完即止
- 此優惠由商戶 the-academy.tv 提供,如有任何爭議,商戶保留最終決定權
- 完成付款後,商戶會在7個工作天內與顧客聯繫
- 需收取附加費,並於貨到簽收時繳付
- 請於付款前提供正確之送貨地址
- 運送之所有風險均由顧客承擔,Yes Master! 概不負責